Prepare Board Meeting Agenda with the Director.
Send Agenda one week ahead of meeting. Three days is the cut off.. At the end of the agenda ask for any suggestions of Agenda Items or when you start the meeting offer at that time!
Conducts/Facilitates the Board Meeting using the Roberts Rules Protocol as much as can..
Takes the notes or appoints someone to do that or ask for a volunteer...
Announces meeting on the PPU FB Board Group. This is not public page it is a private page...
The Board Meeting is Every Month on Fourth Thursday from 6-9.
Chair arranges and confirms the location of the Board Meeting. The Agenda includes place and time...
Chair will work with hospitality to arrange food and beverages if in the budget or ask everyone to bring something to share. PPU should make sure water is available! If we have the budget.
Always defer to the time keeper if schedule is running over. Determine on the agenda how long it will take to discuss each item. If there is not a timekeeper ask for volunteer at the meeting!
It's ok to ask lots of questions. It is going to take a while to learn meeting protocol so please don't get discouraged?