The Portland Parent Union will not decide what's best for the parents and families. *Nor will we push any political agendas. We are promoting support, education, information, collaboration and advocacy. We strive to provide as much information as possible to help parents make well informed decisions. Naturally they will be drawn to that which meets their particular needs. Our intent is to provide credible information on matters of education and parent involvement..
*PPU actively seeks a diversity of viewpoints and actions around education, information, services, support and advocacy. Opinions expressed from our website blog partners, peers, affiliates, other parent union models or community partners are not necessarily intended to represent PPU. They do not necessarily represent the views of PPU.
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We asked him to come see us in Oregon as well as asking for supporting more funding for couselors and not cops. Also asking him support our moratorium on out of school pushout.

We Visted Senator Merkeley Senator Ron Wyden Rep. Susan Bonameci Rep. Earl Blumenaur

End The Schools2Prison Pipeline Conselors not Cops College not Incareration Solutions Not Suspensions

We asked him to come see us in Oregon as well as asking for supporting more funding for couselors and not cops. Also asking him support our moratorium on out of school pushout.

Days at The Capital