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Memorandum of Understanding










This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) sets for the terms and understanding between the (partner) and the (partner) to (insert activity).



(Why partnership important)



This MOU will (purpose/goals of partnership)


The above goals will be accomplished by undertaking the following activities:

(List and describe the activities that are planned for the partnership and who will do what)



(Record who will evaluate effectiveness and adherence to the agreement and when evaluation will happen)



(Specify that this MOU is not a commitment of funds)



This MOU is at-will and may be modified by mutual consent of authorized officials from (list partners). This MOU shall become effective upon signature by the authorized officials from the (list partners) and will remain in effect until modified or terminated by any one of the partners by mutual consent. In the absence of mutual agreement by the authorized officials from (list partners) this MOU shall end on (end date of partnership).

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