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Solutions Focus Training (Synopsis) (Outline) (Books)

Solutions Focused
We are a "solution focused" based organization.

Traditional approaches to problem-solving assume a cause and effect between problems and solutions.
The Solutions Focus outlines a different
way to attain goals that focuses on solutions not problems; the future not  the past; and what to do as opposed to who to blame
The SIMPLE Model. The Solutions Focus methodology is built around a framework of six principles:

1. Solutions, not problems;
2. Inbetween — the action is in the interaction;
3. Make use of what’s there;
4. Possibilities — past, present and future;
5. Language — simply said; and
6. Every case is different.
You will learn how to apply each of these principles to your own problems.
✓ The Solutions Focus Tools. You will understand how to apply certain Solutions Focus tools to help you implement the six principles of the SIMPLE model. The Solutions Focus Tools are: platform, future perfect, counters, scaling, affirmation and small actions.

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