CEP AWARDS PPU Awards Pushback One of our Parent Testimony Discipline Data

Video 1 3:48 CEP Testimony PPU testimony PPU Moratorium Gathering Mentioned Steve Buel Talked about a Memo he sent criticizing us making a safe space for parents.

Video 2 Melissa Goff and Tammy Jackson Reporting Data that we did not agree with. Timelines were off. They were reporting older data. PPU Mentioned About Gatherings

see EITR detriments

The Video that was a game changer that energized concerns documented on this report Teachers Testimony Equity Department Testimony Gatekeepers Testimony PPU was not mentioned as a partner and the part we played in the law and never mentioned the handbook or the moratorium committee. Teachers Safety Testimony findings

Sept. 1, 2015 Teachers Safety Results Union President Claims They have worked with us five years ago?

August 25, 2015 Union President mentioned working with Teachers Unite which is part of Dignity in Schools. We honestly tried to connect the union with this group as well as talk them into getting back to our RLD Circles which happened in 2010-2011They connected through someone else which created a division teachers unite seemed to think that the Union and PPU were working together this is why their generous offer to help PAT

Centralized Vidoes on Discipline Testimonies and Presentations