We have been together for 51 years and have had the privilege to be the teachers and caregivers for our daughters 2 children our Grandchildren.
She never needed childcare outside of our home. It is a good position for us to be in to slow down the inevitable negative influence that the outside world would have on our little ones' minds. We were able to delay that.
Now our Daughters oldest daughter, has a little boy who is 3 years 8 Months. His name is KIMO. Hawaiian for James. There was no question that we would help our Granddaughter with childcare.
Kimo is an exceptionally smart child who loves to play. He loves to talk and he loves to please and loves learning. Lots of hugging and kissing comes from this child. He was supposed to start school 2020/2021 and yes because of COVID he could not.
We decided to turn our dining room into a classroom and have at it! As you can see in the pictures we are having lots of fun with our sweet Kimo. Resources were no longer available because of COVID19 and we had to spring into action!
His education became educational for all of us. The team is on!: His Mother (Mommie), Grandmother (Grandma), Great Grandfather (PAPA), Great Grandmother (GG), Dad (Daddy), Dad's Mother (Grammy) and Auntie and Uncle are now his teachers. Leading the Team will be his Great Grandparents. The Elders of the family!
There are so many tools, these days, we did not have when we were raising our children and even our grands. Learning and practicing is good for our grand, and it helps to keep us elders sharp as well. What better teachers than our children.
To any Grands/Elders out there especially those who are actually homeschooling their grands. We are making ourselves available to support Grands/Elders if you need us. When you find yourself with the same concerns we will make ourselves available to talk to you and support your needs if we are able? Go to Contact page and Contact us.
In the meantime check out our activities and curriculum. We also have posted the state standards for early childhood learning as a reference. This is our documentation of our homeschooling experience as well as the documented teaching hours for Kimo. We advise Grands to document and clock the hours that you are schooling by the Oregon standards and timelines.
We are the
"Grands Temporarily Homeschooling" during COVID .
Regards Ronald and Sheila Warren