
Child Care


Food will be served

Volunteer PPU

RLD Comprehensive

"The Know Your Rights Clinics will be available to families in all twelve NECN Neighborhoods. Portland Parent Union believes all children and youth have a human right to quality public education in safe and supportive environments, providing a foundation for access to higher education, meaningful employment, and full participation in society. Yet current educational policies and practices are pushing millions of young people out of school nationwide, including many in North Portland. This "push-out" crisis is fueled by many factors, including zero-tolerance and other punitive discipline policies, one-size-fits-all educational models, a lack of adequate resources and support for teachers, and a lack of meaningful participation of students, parents, and the larger community.
Students of color, low-income students, students with disabilities, LGBTQ and other marginalized communities are impacted the most by these barriers to education, resulting in millions of children and young people being pushed out of school and into poverty, unemployment, and often prison. If we are to end this push-out crisis and improve educational outcomes for all our young people, educators, policy-makers, students, parents and communities must work together towards a new, bold vision for education.
Families and communities will walk away with a handbook that provides the tools they need to help them advocate effectively for their students, a list of resources for support, and a sense of community. All will have access to legal, civil, and human rights advice. All will have access to professionals and volunteer mentors who will show up for them in that serious meeting."