Portland Parent Union Education

SB 204 [2017] Directs Department of Education to establish pilot program to certify schools, school districts and educators that exemplify culturally responsive practices and competencies.

HB 4002 [2016] Directs Department of Education and Chief Education Office to jointly develop statewide education plan to address chronic absences of students in public schools.

2015 SESSION Senate Bill 553 Imposes limits on instances when student in fifth grade or lower may be subjected to out-of-school suspension or expulsion from school.

House Bill 2192 revises Oregon’s school discipline code and requires school boards and districts to develop and implement policies and practices that focus on reducing unnecessary suspensions and expulsions. The law places limits on expulsions and removes the mandatory expulsion language regarding “weapons.”

Senate Bill 103 Requires court to make specific findings of fact following receipt of certain reports in juvenile proceedings.

Senate Bill 739 Directs Department of Justice to conduct study relating to prosecution of crime of unlawful dissemination of an intimate image and submit report to interim committees of Legislative Assembly no later than September 15, 2018.

OEIB Vision Statement To advise and support the building, implementation and investment in a unified public education system in Oregon that meets the diverse learning needs of every pre-K through postsecondary student and provides boundless opportunities that support success; ensuring a 100 percent high school graduation rate by 2025 and reaching the 40-40-20 goal.

ESSA Recommendations

ESSA Dignity in SChools

NAACP Defense Fund in D.C.