The Circle of Grandparents is a group of Grandparents, who are a part of PPU. COG offers a wonderful opportunity for grandparents of all ages to make a difference in the lives of students. As a grandparent, you have a vast knowledge to share with our students and other Grands. Your insight will be greatly appreciated. Pease contact PPU and fill out the volunteer form.
Things We Support

to Grands Circle

School for Grands Raising and Caring For Grandchildren

Raised by Grands

Supporting Grands who are homeschooling their children.

If you are the grandparent of a biracial grandchild, how did you react when you learned that your daughter or son was going to be the parent of a biracial child?

Grands Homeschooling

By Grands

Council Of Elders A group of close friends that one confides in when they are going through some real tough times. A Council Of Elders is right 99% of the time. The name is taken from African traditional culture where the oldest men in the village (US audience read 'Senior Citizens')gathered around a fire in the full moon every month to listen to domestic and societal cases and pass judgment and give solutions if required.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to organize Grandparents for better outcomes by enriching them thru support, information and education. We are dedicated to Grandparents: to involve their families, to anticipate their challenges and help them to take advantage of opportunities to guarantee a successful student. We are dedicated to the Grandparent's development of leadership skills, knowledge and responsibility.