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Grands Information

Grands as Parents

Grands as Parents

Published on Aug 30, 2012 Education Nation: Grandparents as Parents from 41NBC News On Demand. Like this? Watch the latest episode of 41NBC News On Demand on Blip!  G.A.P.

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Are you a grandparent who has given up your retirement or your own plans in order to take on the diapers, daycare, teacher conferences, driver’s ed, and everything else that comes along with raising children? Many grandparents today are stepping in to raise their grandchildren when the children’s own parents are not able or willing to do so. In fact, the U.S. Census of 2000 found that over 2.4 million grandparents have resp



GRAND PARENTS RIGHTS IN EDUCATION Education - Summary & Analysis INTRODUCTION Relative caregivers often have trouble accessing educational enrollment and special education services for the children in their care.  The reason for these access issues is that the vast majority of these families are outside the formal foster care system and often lack a legal relationship, like guardianship or legal custody, to the children. Many relative caregivers raise children "informally" b

AARP Foundation

AARP Foundation

AARP FOUNDATION EXPERIENCE CORPS Fourth-graders who can’t read at grade-level are four times less likely to graduate from high school. AARP Foundation Experience Corps is an intergenerational volunteer-based tutoring program that is proven to help children who aren’t reading at grade level become great readers by the end of third grade. We inspire and empower adults age 50 and older to serve in their community and disrupt the cycle of poverty by making a lasting difference in th




Take Action!

Take Action!

Help Grandfamilies Face COVID-19 Challenges See Generations United’s COVID-19 Response Policy Recommendations | View Generations United COVID-19 Federal Priorities Letter to Congress | Visit the Broader Coalition at COVID-19 and the Child Welfare System



SCHOOLS INSTEAD OF COPS Tell people more about this item. What's it about and what makes it interesting? Give people the info they need to go ahead and take the action you want. NO COPS



GRANDPARENTS RAISING GRANDCHILDREN INTIATIVE Like most little girls on their fifth birthdays, Sade excitedly tore open gifts given to her by her parents, 52-year-old Coletta Miller and 55-year-old Frank Miller. "Thank you Daddy!" Sade exclaims, "Thank you daddy and mommy!" However, the two people Sade is thanking are not her biological parents -- they are her grandparents. Like one in twelve children in this country, little Sade is being raised by her maternal grandparents. Their daughter Mo

Grantmakers in AGing

Grantmakers in AGing

A national membership organization of philanthropies: a network, resource, and champion amplifying the voices of older people and issues of aging.


Grandsfamilies serves as a national legal resource in support of grandfamilies within and outside the child welfare system. Our goals are to: educate individuals about state laws, legislation and policy in support of grandfamilies assist interested policymakers, advocates, caregivers, and attorneys in exploring policy options to support relatives and the children in their care provide technical assistance and training

The Age of Grandparents

The Age of Grandparents

Is Made of Many Tragedies The proportion of children living in “grandfamilies” has doubled in the U.S. since 1970—and the reasons are often sad ones.

Grandfacts Oregon

Grandfacts Oregon

The GrandFacts state fact sheets for grandfamilies include state-specific data and programs as well as information about public benefits, educational assistance, legal relationship options and state laws. Visit to find this and all GrandFacts state fact sheets.

Our Mission


​​​Our Mission is to organize Grandparents​ ​for  better outcomes by enriching them thru support, information and education. We are dedicated to Grandparents: to involve their families, to anticipate their challenges and help them to take advantage of opportunities to guarantee a successful student. We are dedicated to the Grandparent's development of leadership skills, knowledge and responsibility.​

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