Oregon’s Early Learning and Kindergarten Guidelines are for everyone who interacts with children ages three-six. Through alignment of and, in some cases, adjustments or additions to the goals and progressions identified in the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework and the standards identified in the Common Core State Standards for Kindergarten, this document offers a shared view of and common vocabulary for child development and learning from age 3 through the end of kindergarten. The Early Learning and Kindergarten Guidelines include a continuum of development and learning in five domains: approaches to learning, social-emotional development, language and communication, literacy, and mathematics.
Fostering Healthy Social and Emotional Development in Young Children: Tips for families
A tip sheet on healthy social and emotional development for parents and families of infants, toddlers and preschoolers.
Milestones: Understanding Your Child’s Social and Emotional Development from Birth to Age 5
A milestones chart with key information of social and emotional development from birth to age 5.
A tip sheet on healthy social and emotional development for infant, toddler, and preschool providers and educators.
Let’s Talk about Feelings Poster
A poster to aid discussions about feelings with young children.
Social and Emotional Development Research Background
A fact sheet on the research behind social and emotional development in early childhood and lifelong outcomes.
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL)
The CSEFEL website offers research and evidence-based practices for teachers, caregivers, and families to promote the social emotional development and school readiness of young children birth to age 5.
Social and Emotional Core Competencies
The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning has identified five interrelated sets of core competencies and outcomes related to social and emotional learning.
Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children (TACSEI)
TACSEI offers research-based products and resources to help decision makers, caregivers, and service providers improve social-emotional outcomes for young children with, or at risk for, delays or disabilities.
Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child
Harvard's Center on the Developing Child provides science-based innovation that achieves breakthrough outcomes for children facing adversity.
The ASQ: SE questionnaire can be used by parents to check a child’s social emotional development.
National School Climate Center
The National School Climate Center provides information and resources to help schools integrate crucial social and emotional learning with academic instruction.
School Readiness: For Educators
This site provides links to a wealth of school readiness and social and emotional learning resources.
How to Support Children’s Approaches to Learning? Play with Them!
An article for parents that emphasizes the important role of play in developing approaches to learning skills in toddlers and preschoolers.
Approaches to Learning: Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide (New Jersey DOE)
This Guide defines approaches to learning, describes why approaches to learning competencies are so important for K-3 children and provides grade-by-grade examples of how children demonstrate and adults can support these skills.
Harvard's Center on the Developing Child
Executive Function & Self-Regulation
This overview of executive function & self-regulation includes a short video and links to additional information and activities.
The Mind in the Making (MITM) site identifies and provides resources to support seven essential life skills: focus and self-control, perspective taking, communicating, making connections, critical thinking, taking on challenges, and self-directed engaged learners.
The snapshots offer key concepts, skills, and interventions to promote self-regulation at 6 development phases (infants/toddlers, preschool, elementary, middle school, high school, and young adult)
Talk, Read and Sing Together Every Day!: Tips for Families
A tip sheet focused on language and communication for families.
Talk, Read and Sing Together Every Day! Tips for Using Language at Home and in the Community
A tip sheet to encourage the use of language at home and in the community.
Talk, Read, and Sing Together Every Day!: It’s Never Too Early to Help Your Child Learn
A milestone chart to track a child’s language and communication development from birth through age 5.
Talk, Read and Sing Together Every Day!: Tips For Infant & Toddler Teachers and Caregivers
A tip sheet focused on language and communication for infant and toddler teachers and caregivers.
Talk, Read and Sing Together Every Day!: Tips For Preschool Teachers & Other Early Childhood Education Program Providers
A tip sheet focused on language and communication for preschool teachers.
Talk, Read and Sing Together Every Day!: The Benefits of Being Bilingual – A Review for Teachers and Other Early Education Program Providers
A fact sheet that highlights the evidence behind the benefits of being bilingual and embracing a child’s home language.
Learning to Talk and Listen: An Oral Language Resource for Early Childhood Caregivers
Learning to Talk and Listen offers information about the development and support of oral language skills in the preschool years.
8 Strategies for Preschool ELLs' Language and Literacy Development
This article describes some of the methods and strategies that research has proven effective in nurturing the language and literacy development of young English Learners.
Helping Children Build Language Skills
This article provides information on how adults can help children develop their language abilities by tuning in to what they say and responding in ways that result in more talk.
Building Language Through Thematic Learning
This short video provides an example of how, in a dual language model, children can build language skills through a thematic approach.
Vocabulary-An extensive library of activities, instructional strategies, parent ti
Teaching Reading: Classroom Strategies
This Reading Rockets site provides a library of research-based classroom strategies to help build and strengthen literacy skills in print awareness, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing.
Developing Literacy Skills with Dual Language Learners
This short video provides an example of how a teacher helps her dual language students develop language and literacy skills.
Center for Early Literacy Learning (CELL)
CELL has resources for early childhood intervention practitioners, parents, and other caregivers of children, birth to five years of age, with identified disabilities, developmental delays, and those at-risk for poor outcomes.
Early Beginnings: Early Literacy Knowledge and Instruction
This site provides research-based information to support children’s acquisition of literacy skills related to future success in reading.
Phonological Awareness is Child’s Play!
This article explains describes ways in which teachers can support children’s phonological awareness development.
Storybook Reading for Young Dual Language Learners
This article addresses how, by listening to and communicating about stories, dual language learners can learn about written syntax and vocabulary and develop phonological awareness and concepts of print.
8 Strategies for Preschool ELLs' Language and Literacy Development
This article describes some of the methods and strategies that research has proven effective in preparing young ELLs for kindergarten.
Making Math Count More for Young Latino Children
The report includes a review of existing research on the early development of math skills in Hispanic children, and provides research-informed recommendations to help improve early math outcomes for Latino children.
Let’s Talk, Read and Sing about STEM! Tips for Families with Young Children
A tip sheet for families to engage young children in STEM learning.
Let’s Talk, Read and Sing about STEM! Tips for Preschool Teachers & Providers
A tip sheet for preschool teachers and providers to engage young children in STEM learning.
Let’s Talk, Read and Sing about STEM! Tips for Infant/Toddler Teachers & Providers
A tip sheet for infant/toddler teachers and providers to engage young children in STEM learning.
Let’s Talk about the World Poster
A poster to engage conversations with young children about STEM concepts.
These hands-on preschool math activities help preschoolers get acquainted with counting, patterns, and more.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
A library of math learning activities for children PreK to 2nd grade.
This site, supported by the California Mathematics Council, offers practical math advice for parents and early educators.
Let's Talk About Math Video Series
This video series (in English and Spanish) highlights the foundation of early math skills in the first five years of life with fun, everyday activities parents and caregivers can use to support learning.
Mathematics and Learning in the Early Years
This video discusses how early educators can provide varied experiences to build a strong foundation in numeracy.
This short video highlights the importance of teaching foundational math concepts, such as: patterns, size, shape, location, and direction.
Working “Through” Math with Dual Language Learners
This short article offers strategies that teachers can implement in the classroom to facilitate dual language learners’ spatial reasoning.