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Life Lessons, Support

and Health & Safety 

Your Grandchild Can Be In Great Hands

10 Life Lessons Grandparents Teach Their Grandchildren.

Supporting Our Own Experiences and Philosophy 

The relationship between your child and grandparents plays an important part in developing who your child is, as your child can learn a lot!


The relationship between your child and grandparents plays an important part in developing who your child is. Grandparents are not only a blessing but are always there with an outpouring of love, support, wisdom, and guidance. Whether they are involved as the child's guardian, a babysitter when the parents need a break, or a soundboard when Mom and Dad have questions about parenting challenges. Or when grands need to step in as childcare providers.


RELATED:  15 Of The World's Youngest Celeb Grandparents

There are so many reasons why children benefit from having a grandparent in their lives. However, the life lessons taught by a grandparent greatly influences the type of person the child will grow up to be.

10Life Skills

If someone was asked what skill they remember a grandparent teaching them, most answers would pertain to learning some sort of life skill. The necessity of different skills needed in this day and age may have changed a bit since the grandparents were young. But knowing how to cook, bake, sew, clean, and even how to be frugal while shopping (money management) are timeless skills many still teach their grandchildren.

However, not only do they teach essential home economic skills, but the important life skill of getting along with others. Grandparents are mindful of their tone and deliberation of words to remain respectful yet assertive while talking to others. They encourage turn-taking, empathy, careful problem-solving, and conflict resolution.




Help Wanted

Grandparents Could Ease the Burden of Homeschooling

It’s a win-win: Elders get a way to combat loneliness, teachers and parents get help they desperately need, and children get another grown-up to guide them through remote learning.


SEPTEMBER 10, 2020

Updated at 12:00 p.m. ET on September 10, 2020.

K–12 schools have gotten off to what could charitably be described as a wobbly start in the 2020–21 academic year. Districts have stumbled all over themselves trying to think outside the box to keep kids learning during the coronavirus pandemic. They’ve been ingenious about enlisting community resources to help make school safer, from outsourcing the creation of outdoor classrooms to party-tent-rental companies, to connecting with churches, hotels, and, in one case, a closed dim sum restaurant in hopes of accommodating students who can no longer fit in classrooms that have been reconfigured for social distancing.


But in the frenzy, schools might be ignoring one of the most potent sources of help, one built into many families. These people have only the best interests of the children at heart and are likely less overtaxed than the parents of students: the grandparents.


Help Wanted

Health & Safety

Healthy Habits for Homeschooling During COVID-19

Nate Braeuer  4/6/2020  Kids

While homeschooling, daily healthy habits can add structure and fun to your home life and relieve stress.

In the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, many parents are homeschooling their children for the first time. This can be a stressful time for all. Implementing a few healthy habits into your child’s daily regimen can provide structure and fun to help relieve the daily stress.

Many kids already have healthy habits in their school life that can carry over at home, providing some much-needed consistency.

By the same token, a change in environment can also provide the opportunity to introduce new habits into your child’s routine.


Healthy habits are essential to a child’s development, both physically and mentally.

Children who eat well-balanced meals are more likely to perform well academically. And kids who are physically active are more likely to have a healthy lifestyle in their adult years.

Well-balanced meals and daily physical activity also help combat childhood obesity.


As parents, the more we can encourage healthy eating, hygiene and exercise, the more kids will make them a part of their lives inside (and outside) of the home.  Continued 


A Statement Go To: be a hero protect your grandchildren and yourself covid19

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