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PPU Disclaimer​

PPU always actively seeks a diversity of viewpoints and actions around education, pertinent information, services, support advocacy, and current events affecting our families. Opinions expressed from our partners, affiliates, and/or community partners, are for awareness, educational and training purposes and are not necessarily intended to represent PPU but to represent the subjects of the reports that solidifies the views of PPU.  We do search to find that information that will align with PPU's convictions/beliefs. We do agree that the views are the authors' views and we align ourselves with their information and the views expressed by the authors'  but may or may not necessarily reflect Portland Parent Union's Stance except where PPU is the author. ​THIS training claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. There will always be a link to where the picture came from. Unless it is stock pictures or our own. Most  images on this report are linked to its respectful owners of the articles the pictures represent. References: Portland Public Schools, Oregon Department of Education, Portland Parent Union Grandparents Circle, Parents Across America Oregon, Community and Parents for Public Schools, Angry Grandparents Against Standardized Testing, Multnomah Grandparents, Common Sense's Wide Open Schools, Project Happiness, and others.


2020 By Grands Raising and Supporting Their GrandS (SLW)

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