Portland Parent Union
and Partners/Affiliates
A Potential Community COVID Support Team
Especially Supporting (African Americans)
A Coalition Gathering Organizing Support for Those
Grands Raising or Supporting Grandchildren,
During the time of COVID.
The COVID Pandemic Has been responsible for the largest "push out", ever!
Turning Our Vision Into A "Loving Up Movement" Supporting The Families Raised Or Supported By Grandparents.
Love is the Strongest Emotion We Can Share With Each Other.
The Story-The Beginning
Accumulating Suggested Supportive Services
Ronald and Sheila Warren Sprung into action to start a Homeschool for their Great Grandson when his support and services shut down because of COVID. They thought it a good idea to share their experience with other Grands. PPU Invited the Ecks (Our PPU Grands Buddies) and (Will Fuller our PPU PARTNER From CPPS) to start the urgent Conversations about Creating a COVID Coalition to support Grandparents Raising Grandchildren in the N./NE., especially focusing on Black Families. We asked the dedicated and loving Pat Eck if he could arrange the urgent meeting, since he volunteered his ZOOM. We are Grateful for Pat and his Wife Jan our Co-founders.....

Click On Any Word To Grands Team Page
PPU Gathered "PPU Grands BUDDIES" together to talk about supporting Grands raising Grandchildren. A Grands Team (if you will) to encourage Creative Contributions to Online/Homeschool Learning due To Social Distancing and Self-Selecting (Temporary) Homeschooling along with Other Relevant Educational Processes.
This means Gathering up Collaborations Among Grandparents, Professional or otherwise, who are compelled to provide their experiences, support, guidelines, services and a curriculum that can support Grandparents who need help with Homeschooling and Virtual learning during this Time. The intentions are to create a Grandparents "Social Distance" Hub where idea sharing, counseling, opportunities, options and information could be shared. Supporting Homeschool Learning and Virtual Learning Provided by the Grands' Family School Districts and/or those who are customizing their own curriculum.
'More Glaring Than Ever' for Students Dealing With School Closures
PPU Statement about Opening Schools
New National Online Learning Study Predicts Widening Achievement Gap
Map: Coronavirus and School Closures in 2019-2020
Some Reasons - Why We Started - How Will It Work (Can Programs We Gather Support The Needs ?)
Home Schooling Support
July 5, 2020/ Public schools have started to reveal what a return to classrooms may look like amid the pandemic, but many parents have pre-emptively opted not to return and are planning to home-school instead, a decision experts say is a huge undertaking that parents should be well prepared for.
"A lot of parents were disillusioned with what they saw over the last 120 days," said Luis Huerta, a professor of education and public policy at Teachers College at Columbia University. "They felt the level of instruction was not up to par and that schools dropped the ball during the transition. That led many parents to reconsider, at least temporarily, that they need to take control of their children's education."
Virtual Learning Support
As many N./NE. Portland families are adjusting to having their children learning from home virtually due to COVID-19, especially Black Grand families. They are finding new ways to help their children be successful in school, we are specifically focusing on "Grandparents raising Grandchildren," we are targeting the ones already juggling as elders raising or supporting their Grandchildren. There is no “one size fits all” formula for navigating this new learning environment.
However, there are many resources to guide families in practical ways toward success. Our Grands Team Education has compiled some helpful hints, tools and information on this site. Starting from the Grands Team Site.
We love our Grandmas and Grandpas

