Defund the Police
Education Not Incarceration
SStop Militarization of the Police
Counselors Not Cops
Dignity in Schools
Remote Learning Didn't Work
Humbling, Humility and Humanity
Social Distancing is the Right Thing to do.
Trust C ircles are Key
Stop Murdering Our People
Portland Parent Union

Heading 6
PPU Disclaimer
PPU always actively seeks a diversity of viewpoints and actions around education, pertinent information, services, support advocacy, and current events affecting our families. Opinions expressed from our website blog partners, constituents, peers, affiliates, other parent union models, articles we posted, others' comments we posted or community partners, are for awareness, educational and training purposes and are not necessarily intended to represent PPU but to represent the subjects of the reports that solidifies the views of PPU. We do search to find that information that will align with PPU's convictions/beliefs. We are in full agreement with most everything that is posted on this report! We do agree that the views are the authors' views and we align ourselves with their information and Yes the views expressed in this article are the authors' own but also may or may not necessarily reflect Portland Parent Union's Stance except where PPU is the author.
When we say Portland Public Schools (PPS) it is directed at those who claimed they are interested in reducing the disparities. Those we are working with and have worked with on the Portland Public School Board.
THIS report claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. There will always be a link to where the picture came from. Unless it is stock pictures or our own. Most images on this report are linked to its respectful owners of the articles the pictures represent.
This format is similar to a power-point or a vertical blog/news setting, as well as reflecting a timeline. This report includes a right side navigator menu to take you from category to category. The page menu is at the top.
Credits go to Our Partners: Dignity In Schools, Parents Across America Oregon, The Letter, Journey For Justice, Movement for Black Lives, Unite Oregon, our Board Members: Ronald, Tereza, Richard, CaShawn, Deb, Susan, Pedro, and Mercedes (not on the board but a respected teacher in our community.) News Channels, Videos, Public Announcements, and Newspapers: Washington Post, OPB, CNN, CNBC ABC, New York Times's Katie Riley, Education Week, the Atlantic Graeme Wood, McKinsey Report, Pew Research Center, Library of Congress, Henry Giroux, W.E.B. Dubois,, Marshall Project, CNN, KGW, Angela Rye, Will Smith, Wikipedia, The Guardian's Kenya Evelyn, *Achieve3000 (we agree with this assessment but don't know much about the program to support it), Power Director, *Revolution Newspaper, Ben Garvin + KARE 11, Associated Press, Stephen J. Fowler, Minneapolis City Council, Portland City Council, BC Democrat Indiana-Abdul Hakim-Shabazz, Oregon Health Authority, Tafari Melisizwe, Khalil Mohammed, Nkenge Harmon-Johnson Portland Urban League, Senator Lew Frederick, and Sheila Washington Warren, Portland Parent Union
Portland Parent Union Statement
"Gathering The Information"
Started June 11, 2020
from Portland Parent Union, Dignity In Schools,
PPU Members and PPU Partners about Virtual Pushout, COVID/Social Distancing, Mapping, Summary, Videos, Hisory, Murder of a Black Man, Defund the Police, Police in Schools as well as Story Telling and Opinion Pieces. + Data and Stats.
You may Go to Portland Parent Union's Main Statement First if You would like.
A Red Asterik Beside a Credit means we support the comment we posted but either disagree with the overall philosophy or don't know much about programs
Click on each Subject Title to go to that article and link of the Complete Report.
The U.S. Department of Education recently required every public school to report the number of social workers, nurses, and psychologists employed for the first time in history. Data about school counselors had been required previously.

A subway rider wears a mask and a bandana to protect himself against COVID-19 in New York on April 7, 2020 [AP/Bebeto Matthews] History has shown us that the consequences of contagion are not equally felt by all communities.

Statement From Susan Anglada Bartley PPU Partner and a Voracious but Loving Community Activist as well as an award winning Teacher.
Statement From Richard Gilliam PPU Board Member. He is an Esteemed Community Organizer
Make Some Noise Statement by Deb Mayer / Our Amazing Partner and President of Parents Across America Oregon

The Thought Provoking Quote posted by CaShawn Edwards on FB. Author Unknown? CaShawn is our Dear PPU Vice President and An Amazing Parent
Statement From
Pedro Anglada
An award winning
dedicated Social
Public schools.
He is also featured in the Online Learning "Pushout". Grid as well.
Coronavirus and Schools
The coronavirus pandemic has upended America's K-12 education system, as most schools in every state close their doors for extended periods to combat the spread of the virus.
Tereza T. Bottman
PPU Teacher Advisory Board Statement.
She is A beloved ESL/ELL Teacher on Special Assignment
We are Portland Parent Union.
It is important for us to research, compile and record information showing evidence of negative events +++ that are further corroding our black families'/poor families' lifestyles from those who are not for us and are continually altering the ability for families to thrive.
This is PPU recording our "Statements", opinions, news, and observations, on and against these negative groups, controls, opinions, and events! Proof must be written down.
The Black Community Cannot Wait Any longer. For years, Black activists and organizations like the Movement for Black Lives have been calling for the reckoning we now see in the streets, and we have a responsibility as a nation to meet their call.
Ibram X. Kendi
"Being an Anti-racists requires persistent self-criticism and regular self-examination."

Capturing Our Four Major Issues.
Police Murder
Education Achievement Gap.
Police in Schools
Database of Oregon Police Misconduct up & running. The state legislature required the public, online database be set-up. It's one of several police account ability bills passed during the special sessions.

Portland City Council has approved a budget for the upcoming fiscal year that will cut an additional $15 million from the police bureau’s budget, but falls short of the $50 million cut that community advocates had been pushing for. Thank you Susan and Pedro, ( PPU partners and Social Justice advocates) for speaking.

we found this video the best at summing it up by two of our favorite people.
Peace and Love is Here!
Portland Parent Union
How racist policing took over American cities, explained by a historian
“The problem is the way policing was built,” historian Khalil Muhammad says.
For Your information
Picture represents
The Portland Association of Teachers is signaling that unless school
leaders and politicians can come up with a plan to stop the virus, educators do not feel it’s safe to return to the classroom this fall.


Oregon legislators appeared to reach consensus Thursday on a package of police accountability bills aimed at changing the culture of law enforcement in the state, though some provisions only survived with major tweaks.
Activists: Police reform bills passed in Oregon's special session are just the start
Six bills tied to police reform were passed during last week's special session. Activists and some lawmakers say it's just the beginning of long-awaited change
Community Activists Statements
(Added On October 17, 2020) PPU Statement on Re-Opening Schools
of PPU Grandparents Circle says "I think to defund the police you must first consider defunding the unions and all they represent. They are the ones that really control what the police do, and yes they get away with it. They are still part of the "good old boys" network. Harness them and then you can control the rest of the departments."