Defund the Police
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Counselors Not Cops
Dignity in Schools
Remote Learning Didn't Work
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Protests calling for justice for George Floyd, a black man who died after a police officer kneeled on his neck for several minutes, have spread across the US. Thousands have taken to the streets to express their anger at the systemic racism black people continue to face across America. As the protests become gradually more violent, with fires breaking out near the White House late on Sunday evening, many have been calling for peaceful demonstrations Subscribe to Guardian News on YouTube ► George Floyd protests - live updates
For George Floyd, a complicated life and a notorious death
Through the people who knew him, these are some of the stories that painted George Floyd's 46 years of life.
Credit: Ben Garvin, KARE 11
Mourners at the George Floyd memorial at 38th and Chicago in Minneapolis, on 6/4/2020.
Author: Associated Press
Published: 9:54 PM CDT June 11, 2020
Updated: 10:27 PM CDT June 11, 2020
HOUSTON — Years before a bystander’s video of George Floyd’s last moments turned his name into a global cry for justice, Floyd trained a camera on himself.
“I just want to speak to you all real quick,” Floyd says in one video, addressing the young men in his neighborhood who looked up to him. His 6-foot-7 frame crowds the picture.
“I’ve got my shortcomings and my flaws and I ain’t better than nobody else,” he says. “But, man, the shootings that are going on, I don’t care what ‘hood you’re from, where you’re at, man. I love you and God loves you. Put them guns down.”
*A14—Going Back on the Offensive to Stop Murder by Police
April 16, 2015 | Revolution Newspaper |
The demonstrations against police murder on April 14 marked a new beginning for the struggle against this outrage. This is crucially important, for without mass struggle there can be no progress whatsoever and the powers-that-be will just hammer people into the ground. Further, these demonstrations had important potential significance for revolution—for finally getting free of a society in which murder by police continues to go on daily and more, and people continue to be oppressed more generally... a society in which the lives of Black and other oppressed people are treated as if they do not matter. A14 was a great day, a great beginning—and now the challenge is to learn the lessons and take it further.
Food For Thought?
Civil Rights Martyrs some were white. As you can see. It will Take All of us to make a change!
Protests spread over police shootings. Police promised reforms. Every year, they still shoot and kill nearly 1,000 people.
of PPU Grandparents Circle says "I think to defund the police you must first consider defunding the unions and all they represent. They are the ones that really control what the police do, and yes they get away with it. They are still part of the "good old boys" network. Harness them and then you can control the rest of the departments."