Defund the Police
Education Not Incarceration
SStop Militarization of the Police
Counselors Not Cops
Dignity in Schools
Remote Learning Didn't Work
Humbling, Humility and Humanity
Social Distancing is the Right Thing to do.
Trust C ircles are Key
Stop Murdering Our People
Portland Parent Union

Heading 6
Community-Based Mutual Aid
The pandemic, economic crisis, and surviving the legacy of racism creates a triple challenge for many families. Some no longer trust state social work or "Human Service" agencies based on legacies of racism within those systems. While we know the Portland Police's "Sunshine Division" provides resources, we have heard from several families that they hesitate to accept resources from the police. How do we as a community develop networks of support within the context where distrust is high and social distancing is imperative? Knock and Drop, No-questions-asked Mutual Aid networks that are community-based are one way to ensure that our beloved families are supported by people they can trust.
A real Mutual Aid Network is not charity. All members of the network may receive, as long as we practice the principle of GIVING THE BEST TO THOSE WHO NEED IT THE MOST. We created this network in an emergency setting. Some members provided information about how to get resources to people who need them the most. Others took boxes but redistributed items among their apartment-complex communities. Still, others shared information, plants, seeds, as well as food, delivery support, and prayers. We started small, maintained our scope, and grew gradually to supporting 18 families. We also developed relationships at the pace people were comfortable with, NEVER INTRUDING on people's lives, as is the history of state social workers. We are also clear about what we can distribute, and afforded our network a break to re-group, but provided larger boxes with additional food for our break weeks. As we move forward as a community, we look forward to investigating the history of mutual aid in Black and Latinx communities throughout history to improve our practice. Acknowledging that food and nutrition are essential aspects of a real education, we raise a voice for all students and families who may be hungry in this moment, without access to school breakfast and lunch. How will this society support those whose hunger goes unseen? Please don't forget those who hunger in your advocacy, and consider the role of community-based mutual aid as we move forward toward a new society.
Susan Anglada Bartley
of PPU Grandparents Circle says "I think to defund the police you must first consider defunding the unions and all they represent. They are the ones that really control what the police do, and yes they get away with it. They are still part of the "good old boys" network. Harness them and then you can control the rest of the departments."